Something interesting in development of computer technology and Internet. A survey was mentioned most people spent the night for playing computer and Internet. The computer was already a second wife for most people, do you, too?
A study of four Britons, as reported by reveals one person out of four people, said computer is an important integral part in his life.
The survey also suggested a third of survey participants use the PC more than two hours every night, even until the morning.
The importance of computers and Internet also gave birth to a new lifestyle for employees and workers. They began to take advantage of the break even work hours to surf the internet.
About 2 thousand computer users claimed the computer as a fashion accessory and a quarter of respondents said the computer is more important than their clothes.
Future expert Dr. Rachel Lawes said the PC is the most important in life and history. He said the Microsoft-funded research indicates the PC in the eyes of consumers as choosing a car in the 20th century.
He also claims Microsoft's surefire strategy that emphasizes a variety of colors and styles on the PC.
Approximately 68 percent of users and 78 percent of users aged 18 to 24 years would rather have a PC than on TV. About six out of ten users will replace them with something hifi-based computers within the next three years.
During its development, the computer now developed into a portable computer. Most Internet users began to enliven the cafes that provide Internet service or wireless to surf the internet. (kepri online daily)
15 comment:
and in indonesia.kita one example of computer addiction.wek kek kek
nice info
I think so...
sometimes this reality today is true, hopefully not for me ..... he he he
info menarik sob ....
@Wisata MurahHehehe..sepertinya saya pribadi sudah menjadikan komputer istri kedua nih, mas..pagi, sore malam sudah di depan komputer...biasa ngurus blog saya yang satu ini..
Trims kunjungannya, mas..
@Tulisan dan Curhatku:Thanks for your visit n comment..
@rendratwa:Realita kehidupan di era globalisasi sob...tinggal bagaimana kita bisa memanfaatkannya untuk kebaikan diri..trims sob.
komputer memang tidak bisa terlepas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, apa lagi sekarang harganya sudah sangat terjangkau :)
@intan: Benar, sob..komputer sudah menjadi kebutuhan dalam kehidupan..thanks kunjungannya.
Kunjungan kseini juga kawan, sekalian kasih nilai G+1 di Artikle ini, tolong di balas ya nilai G+ nya, biar kita saling membantu, hohoho
@Aini Sastra (TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia):Makasih atas kunjungan,komentar dan G+1-nya..
Salam sukses selalu.
Kayaknya bener nich...Isteri terkadang sewot bila saya kelamaan depan komputer dan anaknya yang pengin main dicuekin.
Jadi malu saya...harus bisa perbaiki diri.
Nice info gan...
@Ferry I: Benar, sob..kebiasaan berlama-lama depan komputer dikhawatirkan berdampak pada kehidupan rumah tangga..
Pada prinsipnya, tidak masalah jika komputer digunakan untuk mencari rezeki, tapi jadwalnya harus tetap kita atur agar ada waktu untuk keluarga..
Saran ini terutama ditujukan buat saya pribadi sob..Trims komentarnya.
wah.. sudah jelas2 poligami ini Sob... kenapa tidak nikah siri aja? ^_^
eniwe, plus satu Sob!
@blogtronyok: Hehehe..ada-ada saja sobat ni, tapi poligami dibenarkan dalam agama sob..tapi apa mau berpoligami sama komputer..wkwkwkwk
Trims komentarnya, sob..
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